
Common Crows

“Common Crow Theatre” is a company based in Dublin, Ireland, founded and run by international artists. Our work is committed to connecting Ireland and the global community by diversifying both the works we produce and the artists who produce them. We believe theatre is a vehicle for conversation and empathy in an increasingly well-connected world.

Coming up


Join us in our forum about asylum seekers in Ireland.
Our topic of discussion is the refugee crisis in Europe and how it has reached and affected Ireland. We will start by discussing Philpp Ther’s book “Outsiders: Refugees in Europe since 1492”. The forum will be led by our Crow Eftychia, who is going to share her research and experience volunteering with groups that support asylum seekers in Ireland like MASI and Cooking for Freedom. Artworks and poems by refugees will also be shared.

Coming Soon

Past Work



Crow [/kɹəʊ/]: a symbol for the great mysteries of life and ultimate wisdom